LO1: Explain the key processes and procedures involved in performing a technical

LO1: Explain the key processes and procedures involved in performing a technical security audit of
systems and networks.
LO2: Name various auditing techniques used in the field of cybersecurity.
LO3: Explain the significance of technical security audits in safeguarding systems and networks.
LO4: Summarize the differences between different auditing techniques and when to use them.
LO5: Utilize appropriate auditing tools to assess hosts, servers, and network, and IoT infrastructure
components during a security audit.
LO6: Demonstrate the ability to apply auditing techniques to identify vulnerabilities in a given system or
LO7: Analyze audit data and reports to identify security vulnerabilities and potential threats.
LO8: Evaluate the effectiveness of different auditing techniques in identifying security weaknesses.
LO9: Develop comprehensive audit reports that include vulnerability analysis, risk assessment, and
recommended security improvements.
LO10: Create and deliver effective oral presentations to communicate audit findings and
recommendations to relevant stakeholders.

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