Instructions View the film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (Heller, 2019). O

View the film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (Heller, 2019).
On a piece of paper, write down these headings: “Servant Leadership” – “Forgiveness”, “Followership” – “Authenticity” – “Friendship” – “Legacy” – “Empowerment”.
As you view the film, take notes under each of those topic headings.
Once you are finished viewing the film, write down three personal fears you have regarding each of those topics.
Write up a 2-3-page summary of your notes and thoughts and submit it to Dropbox.
Length: This assignment must be 2-3 pages (excluding the title and reference page).
This assignment is worth 15 points and is due on Sunday. For more specifics on how this will be graded, refer to the rubric.

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