Hello, can you help me revise my article based on the following suggestions (sug

Hello, can you help me revise my article based on the following suggestions (suggestions given to me by my professor)? And the most important thing is that the final essay is only four pages. (Includes References)
(There is a PDF attachment with the task requirements at that time. It is convenient for you to understand the situation.)
My professor’s exact words: “The first part of your current article talks about different price discrimination situations, but your positive analysis only talks about price discrimination between countries. And you didn’t mention patented drugs in the first part. , your first figure is explaining patent medicines, but I feel that the two parts are not connected. You either explain everything mentioned in the first paragraph; or you narrow your scope and only mention the events you want to explain. Another one , the focus of this assignment is actually the last two parts, especially the last part, where you propose a change strategy yourself. A lot of your space now is in the first part. You can put the last part, the international agrreement& subsidy you mentioned The role of writing.”

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