For your final paper, you will select a health care organization that could be y

For your final paper, you will select a health care organization that could be your current or previous employer. You take a position as the leader of your selected health care organization. You understand the critical role health care information systems (HCIS) play in patient care and patient satisfaction. After coming on board for one month, you gain the whole picture of issues and needs for an effective HCIS to serve the patients. You decide to submit a report to the board members for review before you make an oral presentation in the next board meeting.
For?your?Implementing Health Care Information Systems final paper, you must complete an 8-to-12-page paper.?In your final paper, you should:?
• Describe your chosen health care organization, including the nature of the business, the services or products, and the number of customers served.?
• Identify the issues and needs for purchasing or upgrading HCIS.
o Be sure to specify the type of HCIS (CLOUD COMPUTING)
• Outline the essential activities needed in the systems development life cycle (SDLC) specific to your proposed HCIS.?
• Determine the proposed HCIS’s impacts on diversity, equity, and inclusion concerning health care provisions, such as access, cost, and quality.?
• Create a risk analysis strategy for your proposed HCIS following applicable laws and standards.?
• Summarize the best practices and policies for your proposed HCIS related to data governance, information exchange, or technical and structural interoperability.?
• Estimate two things that could go wrong in implementing your proposed HCIS.?
• Compose your strategic planning to ensure the success of implementation.
The Implementing Health Care Information Systems final paper,
• must include a separate title page with the following:
o title of paper in bold font
? Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
o student’s name
o name of the institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
o course name and number
o instructor’s name
o due date
• must utilize academic voice.
• must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
• must use at least five scholarly or peer-reviewed sources published in the past five years
• must document any information used from sources in APA Style
• must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style

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