For this step you are required to create a table and two figures that meet APA format guidelines. You created the figures and table in the previous assignment and now you need to add information to each so that they meet APA guidelines and are ready to include in the Results section of your final paper.
The table should include descriptive information such as sample size, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values for each dependent variable as a function of the levels of your independent variable. This table was assigned as part of your Data Analysis output. Go to the output for the Data Analysis assignment and use a snipping tool or screen image to capture the table and copy it into a Word doc. Here is a sample table:
Following APA format, add the following:
A table number and title above the table. The title should be a description of the information in the table and typically includes the name of the independent and dependent variables.
A note below the table. Just like the figure note, the table note should describe all data and variables included.
For the sample table above, the following title and note would be appropriate:
Table 1: Mean Well-Being and Creativity by Low and High Openness
Note: Mean well-being and creativity scores are based on a set of Likert items using a 1 to 5 agreement scale with 1 indicating lower levels of agreement and 5 indicating higher levels of agreement to statements reflecting self-reported levels of well-being and creativity for Openness groups. Participants were assigned to Openness groups based on their response to Likert items measuring self-reported openness.
A figure is a pictorial representation of a set of results. In the previous assignment, Data Analysis, you generated two figures, one for each ANOVA analysis. Use a snipping tool or screen image to capture just the figure and copy it into a Word doc. Here is a sample:
To meet APA guidelines, add the following information in the figure note directly below the figure (number each figure):
A general statement about what is included in the figure, along with the significance level of analysis outcome (p<.05 or p=ns).
A description of the independent variable including levels of the variable.
A description of the dependent variable including scaling used for the dependent variable.
For instance, for the sample figure above, the figure note would include the following:
Figure 1: Mean well-being score as a function of level of openness, p<.05. Well-being was measured as an average of Likert items using a 1 to 5 agreement scale with 1 indicating lower levels of well-being and 5 indicating greater levels of self-reported well-being. Participants were assigned to Openness groups based on their response to Likert items measuring self-reported openness.
You can work on these figures and table with other students but each student must submit a separate document for credit.
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