Elements of Corrections has two parts to the final exam. Part 1 is completion of

Elements of Corrections has two parts to the final exam. Part 1 is completion of a research paper, and part 2 is a short exam on chapters 7-10). Please find the issue paper topic link from American Parole and Probation Associationfor the Final Exam Part 1 instructions and due date below. Note the issue paper was published during 2020 with imposed restrictions from COVID-19.
ip-LPSAECS APPA article for Elements of Corrections FA semester.pdf
Please find the instructions on the required final exam research paper on the issue paper published by American Parole Probation Association. Please click on the link above.
Paper requirements, six pages total.
(1) Cover page, title Final Exam Pt. 1 Research paper, your name and Elements of Correction, Fall Semester 2023
(4) Content pages addressing the three listed categories and conclusion.
(1) Reference page, with three supporting cites.
Compare and Contrast
According to the research cited in the article, the initial investment in “corportate-owned” and/or Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) smartphone applications for particular populations based on risk and needs assessments can expand parole, probation outcomes in community supervision.
Is this type of expansion considered likely to influence more compliance with those on community supervision Describe and include one example.
How can safety factors be enhanced to prevent compromised use for clients eligible for smart phone community supervision?
Training and Access-
Would the integration of smartphone technology be a feasbile, reasonable, and affordable strategy to utilize in community corrections?
Does this technology limit its application for clients with terms and conditions requiring breathalyzers, random drug testing and the ability to pay fees or restitution?
Which area of the common features potentially could derail activation of smartphone applications or present difficulties in the early stages?
Reentry and Recidivism-
Smartphone technology in community corrections can be a useful and productive tool to expand effective monitoring and supervision.
Discuss how both evidenced-based practices, and risk assessments of outcomes may or may not be compatible with smartphone functionality in reducing recidivism.
Summarize in your paper the implementation of the smartphones as a community supervision tool within corrections/criminal justice can improve operational efficacy. Is there a population which is not eligible?
Determine if investment towards integrating this method into monitoring and supervision requires maintaining violation penalities in the current status. If clients falsify their identies, testing results or commit other violations remotely (failure to attend counseling, employment training etc). do we respond in the “traditonal”manner? Violating and placing back in custody.
Is there alignment with the proposed plan to restructure within the California Department of Corrections, San Quentin prison as a model rehabilitation center.

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