download the report from the previous week attached below and begin this week’s

download the report from the previous week attached below and begin this week’s reportt by following the guidelines specified in the Session Report Rubric found in the syllabus. Build on the report using week 4 session report. Continue writing about the same theories and continue the session report. USE SAME CLIENT INFORMATION IN THE ATTACHMENT AND CONTINUE WRITING ON THE SAM ISSUE WHICH IS “SELF ESTEEM ISSUE “
Use the rubric and ensure all aspects of it are answered and covered. Some of the content mentioned in the example may not be in your text (LUV, SOLAR, etc), use the ones you are covering in your course or research on the topic. You are required to turn in your session report within 48 hours after your session. This gives your instructor the opportunity to provide supervision and respond to your report prior to your next session. You are required to use the suggestions your professor has provided in your next session with your client if s/he makes recommended changes, rather than simply following what you had planned. Be sure to include all sections of the report even on your final session, as if you are continuing treatment.

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