Dance 2010 Virtual Dance Concert Assignment As a participant in Dance 2010,

Dance 2010 Virtual Dance Concert Assignment
As a participant in Dance 2010, you are usually required to attend a dance concert.
Since this course is 100% virtual, we are going to explore a “virtual” dance concert consisting of several famous/iconic dance pieces instead of attending a live performance.
You will need to watch all the videos listed below, preferably ALL AT ONCE like an actual dance concert, then research and take notes on each piece and write a 3-4 page (double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font) thoughtful reflection on the “virtual concert” videos. Please submit this document in a Google Doc file, or another file download.
Research!!! Please use the links provided on AsULearn to further understand the choreography by researching the choreographers/companies and the meaning/intention behind the work. I highly recommend that you take this research further independently if you need more information or to better understand the purpose of these pieces in the concert.
You will turn in it on AsULearn. It should be submitted through a file download such as Google docs. (I know- shocking! An actual document should be submitted!)
Virtual Dance Concert Videos (please watch all in one sitting):
Pilobolus Dance Theater’s Walklydon:
Echad Mi Yodea by Ohad Naharin, performed by Batsheva:
Alvin Ailey’s Rocka My Soul In The Bosom Of Abraham section from the piece Revelations:
Revel In Your Body by Kinetic Light/Safety Third Productions:
D-Man in the Waters by Bill T. Jones:
The Tap Awakens, featuring Postmodern Jukebox and Sarah Reich:
Write about your dance experiences up to this point. Create a background narrative so that the reader (me) understands your viewpoints of this concert.
Explain your thoughts going into this assignment and your perspective/base knowledge of these films.
Articulate how the ENTIRE dance performance (watching all the videos) affected you.
Describe each piece (there are 6 total!). In this section, you should mention the title, the choreographer, the artists/company dancing and all cultural/historical/background information that you researched. Each video should have 1-2 paragraphs written about the performance and what it was about/ what it looked like/ why it is significant. I should be able to see that you researched and understood what each piece was actually about (not your personal thoughts, but what the choreographer was trying to portray.) USE THE LINKS IN ASULEARN TO RESEARCH. I will be able to tell if you did not and you will lose significant points. All 6 videos should be discussed. I will be able to tell if you researched them because the intentions are not always clear in the performance without some background knowledge.
Once you have described the entire concert, tell me which piece in the performance was your favorite and why? Support your opinion of this piece by describing things like: costumes, lighting, movement of dancers, choreographer’s use of choreographic tools (use your AsULearn document!) to provoke an emotion and/or intellectual reaction from you. Also discuss if the cultural/historical/background factors shaped your opinion of this piece and if your opinion changed after you researched it. Obvious use of Laban’s choreographic handout terminology in the analysis.
Please write down 2 (or more) questions that you would like to ask the choreographer about this piece. (Serious questions suitable for an academic paper, please.)
Which choreographed piece in the performance did you NOT like and why? Discuss your dislikes of this piece by describing things like: costumes, lighting, movement of dancers, choreographer’s use of choreographic tools… Also discuss if the cultural/historical/background factors shaped your opinion of this piece and if your opinion changed after you researched it. Obvious use of Laban’s choreographic handout terminology in the analysis.
Please write down 2 (or more) questions that you would like to ask the choreographer about this piece. (Serious questions suitable for an academic paper, please.)
End your paper with a short closure that sums up your overall experience. Discuss briefly any other dance pieces that you wish to mention. Summarize how you felt about watching these performances and connect your thoughts to our class goals and understandings. What surprised you, overall, about this virtual concert? What do you want to research further? What is a moment that will stick with you?
The paper is due in two weeks and must be submitted on AsULearn.
Some helpful vocabulary as you write your paper:
Dancers- not girls or boys
PERformance, not PREformance. Check your spelling! (This is a pet peeve of mine.)
Piece or Performance not Recital or Play
Watch out for Capitalization- the titles of the pieces are capitalized and italicized or underlined.
Make sure you give credit to the choreographer (the person who created the piece) and spell their name(s) correctly. Also make sure you name the dancers and/or the dance company who is performing.
Costumes- not outfits

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