Create a c++ code to simulate and solve the following problem: “Twenty computers

Create a c++ code to simulate and solve the following problem:
“Twenty computers are connected in a network. One computer becomes infected with a virus. Every day, this virus spreads from any infected computer to any uninfected computer with probability 0.1. Also, every day, a computer technician takes 5 infected computers at random (or all infected computers, if their number is less than 5) and removes the virus from them. Estimate:
(a) the expected time it takes to remove the virus from the whole network;
(b) the probability that each computer gets infected at least once;
(c) the expected number of computers that get infected.
At a very basic level, which is good enough for our purposes for now, the Monte Carlo method amounts to repeated simulations of the phenomenon under study. So the main part is to implement a simulation of what’s described in the problem. Make sure that your simulation involves randomness exactly as described! And then you run it repeatedly in a loop.
First, make sure that your Monte Carlo simulation works with the provided values. But then, to make your project a bit more advanced, provide an option to choose input values, such as the number of computers, the probability of spreading the infection, and the number of computers repaired daily.
To get decent results, make the number of runs large enough. You can hard-code it for now as some large number, like N = 10000 or something. ”
And a short description of what you did and how your program works and how it calculates the things it calculates.

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