Consider a moment in your life that significantly changed your perspective. How

Consider a moment in your life that significantly changed your
perspective. How did that experience influence your writing? Discuss how
personal experiences shape and inform the themes, characters, or
narratives in your own writing
Depth of Reflection (0-5 points):0 points: Little to no reflection on personal experiences or their impact on writing.
3 points: Some reflection on a specific experience and its potential influence on writing.
5 points: Thorough and insightful reflection on a significant personal experience, clearly linking it to its impact on writing.
Clarity and Coherence (0-5 points):0 points: Response lacks clarity and coherence, with disjointed thoughts and ideas.
3 points: Responses are somewhat clear but lack coherence in connecting personal experiences to writing.
points: Clear and coherent explanation, demonstrating a strong
connection between personal experiences and their influence on writing.
Use of Examples (0-5 points):0 points: No examples provided to support the reflection on personal experiences and writing.
3 points: Limited use of examples to support the discussion.
5 points: Rich use of specific and relevant examples that vividly illustrate the impact of personal experiences on writing.
Critical Thinking (0-5 points):0 points: Lacks critical analysis or deeper thought on how personal experiences shape writing.
3 points: Shows some critical thinking but lacks depth or original insights.
points: Displays sophisticated critical thinking, exploring nuances and
complexities of how personal experiences influence writing creatively.
Engagement and Contribution (0-5 points):0 points: Minimal participation or contribution to the discussion.
3 points: Engages moderately, providing insights but not significantly contributing to the overall discussion.
points: Actively engages with peers, offering valuable insights that
contribute significantly to the depth and breadth of the discussion.

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