checking and proofreading the essay i will attach the assignment (change the bac

checking and proofreading the essay i will attach the assignment (change the background section make it without resources ) and check it if there is use of AI , and the citation that matches what have been written.
text length ~2000 words of student written content, 4-6 sides of A4 paper)
RESEARCH QUESTION/TITLE: Define a clear and succinct question that your research seeks to answer. It should contain the keywords to reflect the intellectual focus of your proposal.
PROBLEM DEFINITION: Outline the research area of interest, with a brief, selective and critical review (assessing strengths and weakness) of some of the relevant literature: to show your understanding of the main debates and issues in your research area. Include a very brief statement on why your research is useful.
Importance and Value of your Research: Highlight its originality and/or significance as to why you think the research is worth doing and who might benefit from it.
Describe how you would persuade potential supervisors of the importance of the work, and why you are the right person to undertake it. Describe your expertise and give evidence of your own competence in the field.
RESEARCH DESIGN: Explain how you will do the research – the analytical framework and methodology you propose to use, and it’s appropriateness for answering your research question(s). This section will vary significantly for empirical/experimental and theoretical/philosophical research approaches, as well as for qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods of analysis. Say whether you intend to use existing data/sources or collect your own, and outline the tools you will use, e.g. experimentation, modelling, surveys, interviews, observations, case studies. Highlight any special equipment or software that might be required. Be realistic about what can be accomplished as well as explicit about any assumptions or hypotheses the research method rests upon.
Identify timelines to the research activities (i.e. list them in a Gantt chart).
ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS: This para is mandatory even if you do not expect to encounter ethical issues.
LIMITATIONS: Highlight any potential constraints that you envisage that you may encounter.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Include a timeline which shows you will be able to complete your research within the allotted time (Submission date is 30 January 2020 ). Key stages (which may overlap) are likely to include: refining the research proposal: literature review; developing research methods; data collection/fieldwork; analysis and evaluation of data; writing the draft; final submission.
RESOURCES: Identify any resource (i.e. equipment, IT or training) that you may require in order to undertake this research. Make clear any complex involvement of outside departments, organisations or people.
LIST OF REFERENCES: Provide a bibliography or list of references consulted in constructing this proposal.
SUPERVISION: Please note the name if you have either had contact with a potential supervisor or have identified a potential supervisor but not yet made contact.

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