Answer each question (one page long, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman). Do n

Answer each question (one page long, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman).
Do not copy the questions into the paper.
At the beginning of each answer, simply include the question number.

Question 1:
What are top-down and bottom-up processing? What are three different ways that you use top-down processing in your everyday life? Have you ever experienced change blindness when engaging in visual recognition?
Question 2:
Your friend is trying to pay attention to their professor during a Zoom lecture while also working from home as a receptionist. What suggestions would you give your friend, who wants to divide their attention in the most productive way possible? How might your friend be also engaging in selective attention in this situation?
Question 3:
Do you feel that you have a strong working memory: why or why not? What types of strategies can help someone trying to remember a large amount of information, and what might hinder someone from remembering as many items at a time as they would like?
Question 4:
You get a major promotion at work (congrats!). How does this experience get processed by your memory system? Why might this memory feel “stronger” or more accurate than the memories of any other day at work? Would you be more or less likely to remember your promotion when you’re in a bad mood – why?
Question 5:
In general, how accurate is our metacognition? Provide examples from various metamemory studies, the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, and meta comprehension. Give two examples from your own life about your use of metacognition – one where you were accurate, and one where you were inaccurate.
Question 6:
Summarize the two theories of the characteristics of mental images: the analog code and the propositional code. What are the general findings about mental rotation, size, shape, and re-interpreting ambiguous figures?
Question 7:
Compare and contrast the prototype approach and the exemplar approach. How would each approach determine whether or not a chicken belonged to a group/category of “bird”?
Question 8:
What is bilingualism? What are the similarities/differences between how monolinguals and bilinguals learn the phonology, vocabulary, and grammar of language? In your opinion, which of the advantages of being bilingual are the most important? Do you think there are advantages to being monolingual/disadvantages to being multilingual?
Question 9:
Describe the different heuristics involved in problem solving. How would you use each of these heuristics to solve everyday problems? What are some factors that would influence the success of your ability to use these heuristics?
Question 10 :
Describe the basic differences between deductive reasoning and decision making. Provide three examples from your daily life that illustrate each of these cognitive processes. Why can both be categorized as “thinking”?

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