1). central theme/idea from The Handmaid’s Tale that interests you. “Feminism an

1). central theme/idea from The Handmaid’s Tale that interests you. “Feminism and Gender”
2). Trace this theme throughout The Handmaid’s Tale. Moving forward, Take note of Chapters and textual evidence that relate to your theme.
3). Develop a major claim on how this theme functions in The Handmaid’s Tale.
4). Develop a “question of inquiry” to speculate how this theme functions in our society today.
Here are some examples of Steps 3 and 4:
Example 1: Major Claim: The Handmaid’s Tale demonstrates, through the theocratic government in Gilead, that religion and its associated language is a powerful tool in shaping people’s actions as well as public opinion.
Question of Inquiry: In our current American society, to what extent does Christianity and its associated
language play in shaping people’s actions as well as public opinion?
Example 2: Major Claim: The Handmaid’s Tale emphasizes how women are mistreated and deprived of their rights; however, rather than being helplessly submissive, women throughout the novel show subtle means of resistance — their survival depends on it.
Questions of Inquiry: To what extent in our current American society are women oppressed and/or deprived of their rights? What recent forms of resistance or social movements have been most effective in promoting women’s equality? Or, how can this discussion of women’s rights also be applied to our current transgender population?
5). Using intelligent web research, gather some credible sources that support, deepen, or even your literary argument and societal evaluation.
6). Organize and synthesize Links to an external site., or establish relationships, between your four (4) sources (The Handmaid’s Tale + 3 outside sources). As you work to synthesize your sources for Project 3, do your best to highlight the relationships between sources in very clear ways. Some important verbs to consider here are CLARIFY, ILLUSTRATE, EXTEND, and COMPLICATE.
Does Source B CLARIFY your analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale?
To clarify means to “shed light on” or “to illuminate.”
Does Source B ILLUSTRATE the claims made in Sources A?
To illustrate means “to explain or make (something) clear by using vivid examples and/or images.
Does Source B EXTEND your analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale?
To extend means “to expand, enlarge, or increase” usually by bringing something new to the conversation.
Does Source C COMPLICATE your analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale?
To complicate means “to bring to the conversation information that makes the topic more nuanced and/or complex.” Oftentimes, “to complicate” means “to contradict” or “to disagree.
hook your reader — perhaps begin with your question of inquiry
provide current context on your topic
introduce and provide context for The Handmaid’s Tale
Thesis Statement: your thesis statement should include your major claim and a statement of how your essay will proceed — I highly recommend using metacommentary here.
Part 1: Literary Argument on The Handmaid’s Tale
Point 1 (sub-claim 1) on The Handmaid’s TaleExplain your first point
Include quoted evidence from the book
Explain this evidence
Consider integrating evidence from a secondary source to clarify/illustrate/extend your point.
Explain how this evidence from the source relates to your argument
Point 2 (sub-claim 2) on The Handmaid’s TaleExplain your second point
Include quoted evidence from the book
Explain this evidence
Consider integrating evidence from a secondary source to clarify/illustrate/extend your point.
Explain how this evidence from the source relates to your argument
Continue this pattern for the remainder of your Literary Argument
Conclude Part 1Conclude your literary argument
Perhaps include your “question of inquiry” to set up the societal evaluation
TRANSITION to Part 2: The Societal EvaluationPoint 1 to support your societal evaluationExplain your first point
Consider integrating evidence from a secondary source to clarify/illustrate/extend your point.
Explain the relevance of this source’s evidence.
Where appropriate, connect back to The Handmaid’s tale
Point 2 to support your societal evaluationExplain your second point
Consider Integrating evidence from a secondary source to clarify/illustrate/extend your point.
Explain the relevance of this source’s evidence.
Where appropriate, connect back to the Handmaid’s Tale
Continue this pattern for the remainder of your Societal Evaluation
ConclusionSummarize your major claim and points
Summarize your relationship between The Handmaid’s Tale and our current society.
DIscuss the greater significance of your topic. What does this matter? What should we care?

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