you will read “School-Based Interventions” and respond answering the questions

you will read “School-Based Interventions” and respond answering the questions below.
1) Discuss some of the special challenges related to working in a “host” setting, such as a school. How can the social worker maintain a strong sense of professional identity when working with professionals from many different disciplines?
2) Have you worked in a school setting as a social worker? If so, please share your unique experiences and any problems, concerns, gaps in services, etc. that you observed based on your role as a social worker in a school setting.
3) What is meant by “the best interest of the child,” and how does this apply to the work of school social workers?
4) How can the school social worker create and maintain harmonious and effective relationships with the principal?
YouTube Videos to watch to supplement your reading:
YouTube Videos to Support Chapter 9: School-Based Interventions

School Social Worker Makes Office a Place for Students to Relax = 2:06 minutes

Links to an external site.
Day in the life of a School Social Worker/Counselor = 52:32 minutes

Links to an external site.
The Role of a School Social Worker at Carmel Clay Schools = 3:13 minutes

Links to an external site.
What I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a School Social Worker = 10:31 minutes

Links to an external site.
Books/References-Textbook Title: Social Work Practice with Children (2019)
Author(s)/Editor(s): Webb, N. B.
Publisher: The Guilford Press
Edition: 4 th
ISBN: 9781462537556Discussion board postings should be of quality rather than quantity. For example, a response that basically says “I agree” with no additional information or documentation will earn 0 points; responses that possess a higher standard of quality will be graded accordingly.

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