you can make it like how you did interview then a summary of some of the domains if needed.
Domain 2: Instructional Leadership:
Standard 3: Instructional Plan Implementation.
Effective school leaders work collaboratively to develop and implement an instructional framework that aligns curriculum with state standards, effective instructional practices, student learning needs and assessments.
The leader:
Implements the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices as described in Rule 6A-5.065, F.A.C., through a common language of instruction;
Engages in data analysis for instructional planning and improvement;
Communicates the relationships among academic standards, effective instruction, and student performance;
Implements the district’s adopted curricula and state’s adopted academic standards in a manner that is rigorous and culturally relevant to the students and school; and
Ensures the appropriate use of high quality formative and interim assessments aligned with the adopted standards and curricula.
Standard 4: Faculty Development.
Effective school leaders recruit, retain and develop an effective and diverse faculty and staff.
The leader:
Generates a focus on student and professional learning in the school that is clearly linked to the system-wide strategic objectives and the school improvement plan;
Evaluates, monitors, and provides timely feedback to faculty on the effectiveness of instruction;
Employs a faculty with the instructional proficiencies needed for the school population served;
Identifies faculty instructional proficiency needs, including standards-based content, research-based pedagogy, data analysis for instructional planning and improvement, and the use of instructional technology;
Implements professional learning that enables faculty to deliver culturally relevant and differentiated instruction; and
Provides resources and time and engages faculty in effective individual and collaborative professional learning throughout the school year.
Standard 5: Learning Environment.
Effective school leaders structure and monitor a school learning environment that improves learning for all of Florida’s diverse student population.
The leader:
Maintains a safe, respectful and inclusive student-centered learning environment that is focused on equitable opportunities for learning and building a foundation for a fulfilling life in a democratic society and global economy;
Recognizes and uses diversity as an asset in the development and implementation of procedures and practices that motivate all students and improve student learning;
Promotes school and classroom practices that validate and value similarities and differences among students;
Provides recurring monitoring and feedback on the quality of the learning environment;
Initiates and supports continuous improvement processes focused on the students’ opportunities for success and well-being; and
Engages faculty in recognizing and understanding cultural and developmental issues related to student learning by identifying and addressing strategies to minimize and/or eliminate achievement gaps.
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