Write a diversity and ethics statement in which you discuss diversity and effect

Write a diversity and ethics statement in which you discuss diversity and effective and ethical decision making. Explain why it is important to apply diverse and ethical perspectives when making decisions.
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If you have ever watched a group of talented musicians jamming together, you have seen how a common goal—making great music—can unite all different kinds of people. In fact, effective collaboration is the secret sauce of great performances and great accomplishments of any kind. Collaborating gives you extra ears, hands, and brains to work with. And by bringing people together to think, brainstorm, and offer diverse perspectives, you can utilize the knowledge, experience, and skills of everyone involved. Such group efforts lead to faster, better solutions; they are what make a team, a company, or a society function and thrive. For this assessment, you will show that you can use diverse and ethical perspectives when solving a problem and making a decision.
You are applying to be part of a diversity, inclusion, and ethics team at Herringbone University. As part of the application process, you must submit to the head of the diversity and ethics committee a document that:
Answers questions about you and your background.
Explains how you would respond to a particular scenario that raises ethical and diversity issues.
Complete the following:
Review the resources for this assessment. You may find it helpful to review the Understanding Diversity section that appears in several of the suggested textbook chapters. For more on ethical principles, read the following:American Sociological Association. (n.d.). ASA code of ethics. https://www.asanet.org/code-ethics
In preparation for Part 2 of your statement, read the following scenario:In the graduate program at Herringbone University, students are allowed only one missed class per semester or they face academic discipline. Three female students have approached you, as the diversity and ethics officer, with a concern about the policy. They explain that they all have young children (as do many students in the program) and getting child care during class times is difficult since some of the classes do not end until 8 in the evening. They feel the policy is unfair, especially since the university does not offer any support, leniency in policy, or childcare options. In addition, the location of the university (an upper-middle-class neighborhood where most children have at least one parent at home) is not where most students live (a neighborhood where most children have two working parents or a single working parent).
Use the Diversity and Ethics Statement Template [DOCX] Download Diversity and Ethics Statement Template [DOCX]to complete the following steps.
Part 1Describe how your background and ability to apply a sociological perspective would be a valuable addition to a team.
Discuss an example of a time when you intentionally looked at diverse perspectives in order to make an ethical and appropriate decision.
Part 2Explain how you would approach the given scenario using diverse and ethical perspectives. Provide examples from your professional or personal life for support.
Explain why it is important to apply diverse and ethical perspectives to the given scenario.
Discuss how you would raise awareness about and communicate the value of applying a diverse and ethical perspective to colleagues.
Be sure to write in a well-organized and concise manner that adheres to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Additional Requirements
Your template submission should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Number of References: References are not required for this assessment. However, if you do use any references, be sure to cite them. Review Evidence and APA for more information on how to cite your sources.
Review the assessment scoring guide for details on how your assessment will be graded.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 3: Make decisions using a diverse and ethical perspective.Describe how your background and ability to apply a sociological perspective would be a valuable addition to a team.
Discuss an example of a time when you intentionally looked at diverse perspectives in order to make an ethical and appropriate decision.
Explain how to approach a given scenario using diverse and ethical perspectives.
Explain why it is important to apply diverse and ethical perspectives to a given scenario.
Discuss how to raise awareness about and communicate the value of applying a diverse and ethical perspective to colleagues.
Competency 4: Address assignment purpose in a well-organized manner, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.Write in a well-organized and concise manner that adheres to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

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