Write a 4-6 page “issues” paper (excluding bibliography page). 1.5 LINE SPACING

Write a 4-6 page “issues” paper (excluding bibliography page). 1.5 LINE SPACING —- The paper, while containing your opinions, should include at least five references. These references may be in the form of books, magazine/newspaper articles, web sites, or personal interviews and will be submitted earlier than the paper. At least one reference should be from a scientific peer-reviewed journal if possible. Please list at least two items of information from each reference that you intend to include in your paper.
All references included in the paper must be cited in a bibliography attached to the paper as the last page and properly noted throughout the text. You may add sources after you submit your initial list, but you still need five in your earlier submission and must include these in your final paper. Citations can be in Journal of Animal Science, APA, or MLA formats, but the format should be consistent among references. This paper is to use 1.5 line spacing and typed in a font size not less than 10 (12 is preferred) with left and right-hand margins of not more than 1.25 inches.
The topics that you must select from are as follows:
4. Cloned animals have quietly become more prevalent, especially in the case of dogs and certain
types of horses. Unlike food animals, there is little regulation of these clones. Should the U.S. government more strictly regulate the cloning of companion animals and horses?

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