Women’s Spirituality. This course allows you to deeply examine gendered aspects

Women’s Spirituality. This course allows you to deeply examine gendered aspects of religious and spiritual beliefs and practices.
Objectives of the Creative Final
To allow students to demonstrate their ability to interpret, synthesize and/or apply information presented in the course texts.
To allow students to deeply explore and analyze sexed and gendered aspects of religious and spiritual beliefs and practices
To engage in self-reflection and consideration of ethical values
To afford opportunities to address issues across course units and disciplinary boundaries.
To promote more sustained attention to a topic than is expected in the discussion posts.
The purpose of this assignment is to engage in integral learning. You will be required to share a creative project with fellow students, inviting you to represent a key part of your learning in a creative way.
The first is to do something creative. This can be a painting, poem, video, drawing, etc. This will be shared with your peers. You are then required to do the following:
You are required to write a minimum 2-page essay on your process of creating your project, connecting it specifically with one of the course units, topics, and/or course materials and readings, is required.
submit your required 2-page minimum reflection paper.
he reflection is due here via this assignment link, double-spaced and in 12 point font as a .doc or .docx file.
The requirements for the Reflection are:
Answer the following questions in essay form:
What did you create and how did you do this? What medium (painting, video, writing, etc) and why did you choose this medium?
What is the meaning behind your piece? Make connections to at least one material, topic, idea, etc. in the course and properly cite.
What do you hope others see/feel from your work?

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