Why is it important to document contract changes? Why should project teams be wa

Why is it important to document contract changes? Why should project teams be watchful for constructive change orders?
Your initial post should comprise a minimum of 250 words supported by at least two (2) scholarly peer-reviewed references.
Some Reference:
Project Monitoring and Controlling: 16 Best practices for a Successful Project. Project Monitoring & Controlling | 16 Best Practices (masterofproject.com)
Project Monitoring and Controlling Tools Project Monitoring And Controlling Tools – Projectemplates
Tools for Monitoring and Controlling Projects in Jira Top Tools for Monitoring and Controlling Projects in Jira – Ricksoft, Inc. (ricksoft-inc.com)
Project Management Monitoring and Control Microsoft PowerPoint – Session_7_Project-Monitoring-and-Control.pptx (samuellearning.org)

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