What differentiates vision and strategy? Are they equal parts of a process, or m

What differentiates vision and strategy? Are they equal parts of a process, or must one precede the other?
Identify an example of a vision that resonates with you (pick one from a company or organization you find interesting – most have their mission/vision/values on their website somewhere), and provide a brief analysis of the ChatGPT response below to share with your peers in your initial post (identify a vision and the organization, and, using other resources, provide a scholarly assessment of what ChatGPT generated).
Here’s what ChatGPT says in response to the prompt. Is it right? Is there more to the story? Does the company vision you identified make sense in this context?
“Vision and strategy are distinct yet interrelated elements in the process of achieving organizational goals. They serve different purposes and must be developed in a specific sequence:
Vision is the overarching, long-term aspiration or purpose of an organization. It answers the question, “What do we want to achieve in the future?” A vision statement outlines the desired future state, often in broad and inspirational terms.
Vision provides a clear, shared understanding of the organization’s ultimate goals, values, and purpose, inspiring and aligning stakeholders toward a common objective.
Vision sets the direction and serves as the guiding light for an organization, motivating people and helping them understand the “why” behind their actions.
Strategy is the plan or set of actions developed to achieve the vision. It answers the question, “How do we get there?” A strategic plan outlines the specific steps, objectives, and resources needed to reach the desired future state.
Strategy involves making choices about what to prioritize, where to allocate resources, and how to adapt to changing circumstances. It is a dynamic and adaptable roadmap for reaching the vision
Effective strategy takes the vision and breaks it down into actionable and measurable goals, helping an organization move from the abstract “what” of the vision to the concrete “how” of execution.
In the process of achieving organizational success, vision and strategy are not equal parts but rather sequential components. Vision comes first, as it provides the inspiration and direction that informs the development of a strategic plan. Without a clear vision, a strategy lacks purpose and may lead the organization in the wrong direction. Vision is the foundation upon which a well-crafted strategy is built, helping to ensure that the organization’s efforts are aligned with its long-term goals and values. In summary, vision sets the destination, and strategy outlines the path to reach that destination.”
Support your response with information from your reading and/or peer-reviewed sources.

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