Watch the episode from The Secret Life of The Brain,

Watch the episode from The Secret Life of The Brain, most importantly the first half dealing with schizophrenia. Consider the section in your textbook about the causes of psychotic disorders and the underlying biological theories here. Next, using the Library database or Google scholar find two RECENT, i.e. last 3 years, peer-reviewed research studies – one must deal more with causes and one more with treatment. Address the following prompts in a total of 400 words minimum; it all must be your own words – no direct quotes, please:
First, summarize the disorder as if you were telling someone not in this class.
Discuss the biological basis of schizophrenia. In other words, from a biological sense, what is the cause of the disorder?
What are the social or environmental influences of the disorder?
Explain the treatment options.
Include in text citations for the video, your textbook, as well as the two articles you found and an APA style reference page.

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