Valuing the Differences Exercise Choose one of the situations below and discuss

Valuing the Differences Exercise
Choose one of the situations below and discuss the evidence, effects, and benefits of valuing differences using the questions that follow the situations below:
Situation A:
Describe a situation in which you genuinely valued someone’s differences, and valuing those differences positively impacted your relationship.
Situation B:
Discuss a situation from your work life in which valuing the differences of someone you work with produced greater results than the sum of what you could have produced separately.
1. What differences were valued?
2. What did the person say or do that showed he or she valued the differences?
3. What did you learn from the experience?
4. What effect did valuing the differences have on the way you treat others now?
Use Microsoft Word. Your response should be 750-1000 words in length. Be specific in your examples as well as review your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

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