Using the approach of interpretive anthropology and using either the Algerian Re

Using the approach of interpretive anthropology and using either the Algerian
Revolution and/or resistance movements in Iran as examples; please analyze the
symbolic layers of meaning connected to the hijab worn by Muslim women. In what
ways is the hijab connected to Muslim women’s assertion of personal and historical
agency? In what ways is it connected to possibilities for liberation and
decolonization? Conversely, in what ways has the hijab or the idea of it been
historically coopted or weaponized by colonial authorities, occupying powers,
invading forces, authoritarian dictators, and/or international NGO’s?
Response must be a minimum of 600 words and a maximum of 1000 words. It must answer the prompt in significant detail and analysis.
Please include the lecture powerpoint as a resource in the paper and provide a work cited page.
Thank you!

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