Using some of the same resources you used to research topic ideas, begin researc

Using some of the same resources you used to research topic ideas, begin researching your topic. Research, organize, and start to outline the following information:
Symptoms (things the person would tell you) and Signs (things you would see about the person)
Effect on day-to-day function
Etiology (Who is likely to get this disorder? Age, gender, ethnicity, risk factors, etc.)
Typical age of onset
Prognosis (What is thought to be happening in the brain of the individual of the disorder?)
Healthcare issues/challenges to providing health care to individuals with this illness or disorder
What health care providers should keep in mind when working with patients with this mental illness or disorder
Celebrity photo and/or movie that reflects someone with the illness or disorder (short videos, less than 1 minute in length may be embedded)
Need enough information to make a PowerPoint of 10 slides regarding the topics

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