Using SEC.GOV’s Edgar webisite go to recent 10-K on Amazon. Review the sections

Using SEC.GOV’s Edgar webisite go to recent 10-K on Amazon. Review the sections Item 1A. Risk Factors and Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations . Use this as starting point for research but also use other research. All Research must be cited APA format with work cited page
Assignment: 10 page paper consisting of 4 two 2 full page minipapers of each of the following topics below. 1 page introduction and 1 page conclusion.
– Explain where Amazon’s IT (Information Technology) fits on the Strategic Impact Grid and MUST provide own recommendations on how to improve this through the use of information technology (2pages).
-Perform an Information System SWOT Analysis on Amazon and Must provide own recommendation on how to improve this through the use of information technology (2 pages). -Discuss Amazon’s Strategic Business Plan and their resulting Information System Strategic Plan and MUST provide own recommendations on how to improve this through the use of information technology (2 pages).
-Explain Amazon’s likelihood of market tippiness and MUST provide own recommendation on how to improve this through the use of information technology (2 pages).
Paper will be graded on ability to : demonstrate use of the various analytical frameworks , convey an understanding of the company’s business model, support your positions with evidence, and make recommendations to improve it through the use of IT will determine your grade for the paper.

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