Use the information from assignment 1 to complete assignment 2: assignment 1 is

Use the information from assignment 1 to complete assignment 2: assignment 1 is attached below
Assignment #2: News Releases
One of the most common tasks in an entry-level PR position is news release writing. It’s also a valuable skill to possess and one that your entrepreneur friends and community groups may call on you to use, by way of helping awareness about their businesses or causes to grow. This is an important skill to master in the world of P.R.

To write an effective release, you need to understand and plan what needs to be said, and the hierarchy of information that must be organized into the release. For this reason, this assignment asks you to structure that information through research, strategy, drafting and final writing of the release. It’s important that you carefully complete each phase of this assignment, in order.
Focused on the Client you have selected, write a news release, following the guidelines and examples provided in class and in the textbook. Be sure to work out the situation and strategy that will contextualize the information in your release. Also, be sure to consult the online guide to Release Writing using Associated Press style guidelines, as outlined in the Associated Press Style Guide, and also, to a limited extent, found on the OWL at Purdue here:
PART A: Situation, Objectives, Target Audience, Strategy

An important part of creative strategy in Public Relations, is being able to understand the requirements of what needs to be done. In this assignment, demonstrate your understanding of the analytical parts of understanding your client and what needs to be done.
Part A: Instructions:
Focusing on the client you identified in Assignment #1, write a one-paragraph summary of the following components. Be sure to review more details about these components in your textbook.
Situation Analysis: Write a one paragraph summary of the situation that defines your client.
Following that paragraph, include four bullet points that provide a brief SWOT analysis.
Objectives: Write at least one specific objective for your client.
Identify whether this objective is informational or motivational
Target Audiences:Who would your campaign plan reach?
Define at least two distinct publics.
Strategy:What ideas do you have for the broad messaging that would serve as an umbrella for your campaign?
Identify the ideal audience you are trying to reach with your news release.
Identify a channel by which this news release would be distributed (specific name of a newspaper, web page, email, etc.) in order to reach this audience
Part B: Message Planner
Building on the work you have done in Part A, use the Message Planner that follows to help you identify the specifics of your news release. Be sure to complete all parts of the Message Planner.
Part C: News Release — Detailed Description:
Write a release for your client, which announces an event in the near future, or reports on an event in the recent past.
You should write this release to appeal to the criteria of newsworthiness outlined in class.

Your complete submission should include:
Situation analysis, Objectives, Target Audiences, Strategy
Message Planner
News Release:Logo or other company identifier
Media contact information
Release date or “For Immediate Release”
Headline and Subhead
Lead paragraph, including dateline
2-3 body paragraphs

Your objectives in writing this release include:
Demonstrating your ability to write: Correctly, using appropriate style guidelines
Strategically, with an objective, publication and audience in mind
Creatively and/or journalistically, using devices to interest and intrigue your readers (think newsworthiness)


Points Possible
Points Awarded





Message Planner

Header info (logo, media contact, release date)


Lead paragraph



AP style/grammar


Percentage of Final Grade:20%

Message Planner

Client: _________________ Project:__________________ Date: __________
Objective (what do you want people to do?):

5Ws & H:
Where :____________________________________________________
Key Idea(s) (what information should audience come away with?):
Angle (What’s in it for your reader?):

Visual (what image(s) will be included?): ____________________
Outline of Paragraphs:
4a _________________________

Headline: _______________________________________________________
Other notes: ____________________________________________________

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