Topic: respect senior citizens 1. Public Service/Advocacy Ad: You will be creati

Topic: respect senior citizens
1. Public Service/Advocacy Ad: You will be creating a one-page PR print ad that promotes a program/cause/concept//organisation. I will provide you with your topic. The style is open and you are invited to be as creative as possible. In working up your concept, you need to address your objective and targeted audience and employ appropriate and specific devices to make the ad compelling. It needs to have an interesting headline/slogan accompanied by a visual component (photo/graphic). There should also be some print copy included. Print copy means written text, and this is usually presented in a smaller size font (the fine print) than the headlines or other more important messaging. It’s up to you to decide how much print copy you’ll need. Try to come up with a catchy and original headline/slogan and a picture that works with that message. Those are the two most important components. Pay attention to the tone of the subject. Find an angle that’s fresh. Using messages and images that audiences are overly familiar with can backfire as audiences will find those boring and obvious. Aim to make the piece more imaginative and creative than purely informational. The message must be clear and to the point. Decide if you want to use a mainly logical approach or an emotional one and it can take many formsdramatic, shocking, hopeful, humorous, etc. 4 Think about what you want to accomplish with the ad. What ultimately do you want your audience to take away from the piece? Aim to make it memorable. I don’t expect anyone to be a professional designer; it’s the concept and the writing that is most important. That said, aim to make the piece as engaging as possible in both its written and visual formats. Remember that it MUST be original work. You can certainly take pertinent photos or graphics from the internet, but you can’t take established concepts, complete designs, slogans, etc. and use them as your own. Additionally, submit a short rationale (one paragraph should be enough) along with your ad that explains your concept, your colour scheme, your audience, and how you came to create the piece.
(The two PowerPoint presentations contain many examples that will help you understand what kinds of advertising exists in the PR field, how the ads are constructed and the effects they have had. They will also help you when you create the final assignment in the course. Make sure to look at both presentations.)

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