Throughout this course, you have been working closely with a client profile nar

Throughout this course, you have been working closely with a client profile narrative. You began this journey in Module One by reviewing a short list of client descriptions from which you chose a client (Milestone One).
In Modules Two and Three, you received information regarding your selected client. For Milestone Two of your final project, submit a draft of your client analysis (Section I of the final project).
Paula, 58 years old
Paula is a 58-year-old unemployed African American female admitted to a diabetes clinic with uncontrolled diabetes. She was diagnosed with type II diabetes mellitus 18 months ago. Following this diagnosis, referrals were made by her doctor to see the diabetes coordinator for education on diabetes management, but Paula did not follow up.
Client A: Paula, 58 years oldClient B: Sally, 63 years oldClient C: Joseph 68 years oldClient D: Michael, 60 years old
Paula is divorced; her 28-year-old daughter and her 2-year-old grandson have been living with her while her son-in-law is serving overseas in the Army. Paula was an elementary school teacher for 25 years until being laid off three years ago. Paula is an active volunteer at her church along with her best friend of 15 years, Mary.
For Milestone Two, you will prepare a draft of Section I: Client Analysis of your final project. Early in this course, you selected a client to follow throughout the course and were provided with information regarding your client.You will begin by reviewing and analyzing (1) the overall health status of the individual throughout their life span; (2) key factors that have influenced the individual’s health status; and (3) the national guidelines for like individuals. The audience for this client analysis is not necessarily your client; instead, this client analysis should set the stage for your professional recommendations. This milestone is submitted in Module Three.Prompt
In Module Three, you will submit a draft of your client analysis. You will analyze the information you have been provided regarding your chosen individual client. You will review the overall health status of the individual throughout their life span, the key factors that have influenced their health status, and the national guidelines for similar individuals. The submission will have the major heading “Client Analysis.”There are three parts to this assignment. In each part, you should work to use course vocabulary and relevant research. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:Client Analysis: In this part of the summative assessment, you will analyze the information you have been provided regarding your chosen individual client. You will review the overall health status of the individual throughout their life span, key factors that have influenced their health status, and the national guidelines for similar individuals. The audience for this section is not necessarily your client; instead, it should set the stage for your professional recommendations. Describe the overall health and wellness status of the chosen individual.Base this on materials from the course and your previous analysis.
What condition (health, social, emotional, etc.) was the individual in when the course began? What condition is the individual in now?
Analyze the health status of the chosen individual for different key factors that may have contributed to their current health condition. For example, what risk factors are typically associated with the health condition of the chosen individual?
Explain the national guidelines regarding the health status of an individual similar to the chosen individual and why they are or are not applicable to the client. What do the national guidelines (such as, but not limited to, those published by the Centers for Disease Control [CDC], Medicare, and the National Institutes of Health [NIH]) state about the specific condition?
Why will these guidelines work or not work for your client?
What to Submit
Your draft client analysis must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and any sources cited in APA format.

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