This semester you have been exposed to all of our wonderful industry experts, bu

This semester you have been exposed to all of our wonderful industry experts, but some of you have not had the opportunity to work in the lab. This homework exercise will give you a small taste of what some of the labwork looks like from one of our most important viewpoints – documentation.
You are a QA reviewer assigned to review notebooks for an analytical group. One of your analysts has turned in the following lab notebook:
Download NB review activity.pdf – print, use a colored pen to make comments ask the analyst for specific corrections, or asking questions)
Try to find at least 15 items that need correcting, though there are at least 30.
Use the following resources to critique the notebook you received:
Lecture on Documentation (Module 2)
SOP ECU-019 (Module 4.2)
SOP ECU-020 (Module 4.2)
Module 3 Lab 1 – Documentation

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