This is essentially the same assignment as Paper One BUT about a film produced b

This is essentially the same assignment as Paper One BUT about a film produced between 1970 and 2000.
(Please review attach copy of paper one fro references)
Part 1: View a feature film made between 1970 – 2000 you have not seen before (or will see later in this class) by a great director or featuring a great actor or actress.
Just as you did in the first paper, comment on the specific film you saw. Pay particular attention to the screenplay, camerawork (cinematography) the editing (montage) and the sound (including music). for this paper, also address special effects. Again, as you did in the first paper, talk about what you like and what you dislike? Why do you like the things you like, and why do you dislike the things you dislike? Is the film a good film, or is it not?
Part 2: Now that you have commented on the specific film you viewed, see if you can draw some general conclusions about the work of the director and one of the main actors or actresses. Be sure to comment on the overall impression you had of the film, including how you see it as an example of the its genre and time period. Remember, this is film review based on your opinions and insights: do not repeat what you have learned by reading up on the film or the filmmaker.
Part 3: Go back to the “My Criteria for Quality in Film” page. Based on your viewing of this week’s film, add four new general conclusions. These statements should be numbered (5) through (8). Be sure to include all of the criteria you created for Paper One.
Guide base on Assignment Rubric
1) ORGANIZATION Is the essay clearly structured following the assignment guidelines? Is each area fully developed and equally supported? Does the structure follow a logical sequence?
20 points
The essay is clearly organized, with equally supported and fully developed areas of the assignment. Essay possesses a clear, logical structure.
2) Score of ORGANIZATION Is the essay clearly structured following the assignment guidelines? Is each area fully developed and equally supported? Does the structure follow a logical sequence?,/ 20
EVIDENCE/ANALYSIS Does the essay offer substantial and specific evidences/analyses from film to support claims?
20 points
The essay has plentiful, detailed, and substantial relevant evidence from the film chosen for analysis to support claims.
3) Score of EVIDENCE/ANALYSIS Does the essay offer substantial and specific evidences/analyses from film to support claims?,/ 20
RESEARCH Does the essay illustrate a clear understanding of techniques of cinematography, sound, and editing? Does it engage with the appropriate course readings and lectures?
20 points
The essay represents exceptionally thorough and careful work. Each of the techniques is fully addressed and illustrates a clear grasp of the concepts. Distinct references to course materials are present in the work and are appropriately utilized
4) Score of RESEARCH Does the essay illustrate a clear understanding of techniques of cinematography, sound, and editing? Does it engage with the appropriate course readings and lectures?,/ 20
TERMINOLOGY/STYLE Does the essay use proper film terminology? Is the essay free from typographical and grammatical error?
20 points
The paper is free from mechanical defects and shows a sense of personal style, too. Discussion is coherent and film terminology excellently used.
5) Film terminology is only slightly used or used incorrectly.
Score of TERMINOLOGY/STYLE Does the essay use proper film terminology? Is the essay free from typographical and grammatical error?,/ 20
OVERALL How does the essay measure up to college standards and work to be expected by this point in the course?
20 points
The paper is superior in quality.
6) Score of OVERALL How does the essay measure up to college standards and work to be expected by this point in the course?,/ 20
Criterion Score
25 points
All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling

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