There has been an increase in employee dissatisfaction in the company you are no

There has been an increase in employee dissatisfaction in the company you are now working for (as identified in Modules 1 and 2). Your supervisor has asked you to develop a plan to increase motivation for two employees, Robert M. and Juanita R, in your department. You have surveyed the employees to learn more about what they value, what is important to them in the workplace, and what leadership style would be the most effective in managing and motivating each employee.
Below are the lists of their workplace priorities. Items are listed in order, with the items at the top of the list being more important than the items further down on the list. You have also made a few notes based on your observations of their work history and performance.
Discuss the following points in a report (Microsoft Word) to your supervisor. Start by typing Robert M at the top of the first blank page. Then beneath his name, number from 1 to 4, and answer each of the 4 questions below in specific detail, as they relate to Robert M.
When you finish answering the 4 questions for Robert, move down to the next blank page and type Juanita R at the top of that page. Number from 1 to 4 beneath her name and answer the four questions in specific detail as they relate to Juanita.
Discuss the leadership style you feel would be the most effective in managing and motivating each employee. This would be the leadership style that YOU would use when dealing with that employee. Use the two leadership style articles in the readings and the 4 Leadership Styles we discussed toward the end of the Live Classroom session. Be sure to explain your reasons for choosing the leadership style you chose for each employee.
From the readings, choose the theory of motivation that you believe would be most effective to use with each employee and explain your reasons. We discussed 4 motivation theories during the Live Classroom session (Maslow’s Hierarchy, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory, and McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y.) There is an article in the Readings that covers additional Motivation Theories that you could use.
Describe how each of these employees would relate to that motivation theory that you chose for them.
Determine two ways that you might motivate each employee. Your existing budget does not allow you to offer raises, and there are no open positions above these employees’ positions at this time, so promotions would not be an option. In addition, you cannot offer benefits like health insurance, vacation days, or retirement plans because those are not rewards based on the employee’s performance. They are part of the company benefit package and are offered to every full-time employee. Discuss in specific detail your motivation strategies for each employee, and explain why you think your motivators would be effective.
Each employee wrote a list of their workplace priorities (Top Motivators). Items are listed in order, with the items at the top of the list being more important to them than the items further down on the list. You have made a few notes based on your observations of their work history and performance. Those are found in Performance Notes.

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