The purpose of this assignment is to begin to help you plan out your final proje

The purpose of this assignment is to begin to help you plan out your final project. Specifically, you will be creating an outline for the second half of your final project throughout this assignment. Be sure to follow the attached outline sheet closely.
A one page outline will suffice, but it must be a thoroughly detailed outline. There should be main headings with subheadings in this outline, as indicated in the attached outline sheet.
You will be creating the methodology portion of the project. This is where you state clearly what you would do to perform a study on your topic of interest. Remember that this is purely hypothetical – you will not actually be performing this study! Be clear in your decisions and let the provided outline guide you.
As always, avoid summarizing, avoid quoting, avoid previewing what you are about to say before saying it. This should also be about one page in length with proper outline format.
full APA format, like Times New Roman, double spaced, 12 point font, page numbers, etc.
assignment outline
Restate hypothesis from previous section
Who? (Gender, Age, Race, etc)
How many?
How will you recruit?
How will you assign to groups?
How will you compensate?
What criteria will you use for participation?
Generalizability to the population
What Apparatus?
What Materials?
Any tests administered?
Special Supplies?
Recording device?
What is your research design?
What will happen in the experiment?
Where is your study going to take place?
Describe where the data will be collected
Hypothetical Results
What data will be collected?
Are there criteria for inclusion of data?
How will the data be summarized? (What descriptive stats?)
second assignment to do : Create two critical thinking questions appropriate for children in the early elementary grades. Go beyond the basic level of knowledge/recall (see the section on Bloom’s Taxonomy in your text) and make questions that require comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, or evaluation. The questions can be related to any theme or topic that would be appropriate for children in grades 1-3. These questions should be original questions that you created yourself.
last thing you should do :
Read the questions listed on Blackboard and write about each. Using both your textbook and your personal opinions to support your answers, be sure to use citations and a reference page. Responses must be submitted typed and double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12-point font. No cover page is necessary. You will need your name in the corner of the paper. Be sure to use proper APA formatting. Submissions must be a minimum of two pages. A rubric is also provided on Blackboard.Explain why organisms sometimes do not move away from a noxious stimulus, even when they can. If child outcome can be predicted from parenting style, would not all children from the same family turn out more or less the same? Do they?What implications do the findings regarding perception have for understanding how opinions are influenced by the presence of others?What would a mentally healthy person say about an inkblot? In other words, how is “normal” defined by projective personality tests?

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