The Occupational Research Assignment provides an opportunity for you to gather i

The Occupational Research Assignment provides an opportunity for you to gather information about a career you may be interested in pursuing. I highly recommend reading through the Career and Educational Research PPT and the Career Center Website before beginning this assignment.
Answer the following questions regarding a career you are interested in pursuing. You are required to use at least three career resources to complete this assignment. One required website to use for your career research is
Career Cruising: is the user friendly career research tool used by many counselors (This website is one of my favorites :).
Go to the website Log in using the following username and password:
Username: grossmont
Password: college
Click on the Assessments tab at the top of the screen, click on Matchmaker and My Skills, and open an account by clicking on Create My Plan. Then, click on Explore My Interests and take the Career Matchmaker assessment by clicking on Start Matchmaker. After you complete your assessment, a list of suggested careers will appear. Click on careers in which you are interested in and read the information about each career by clicking on the nine links located on the left side of the screen. Be sure to click on Education to see what majors are suggested and the schools that offer the suggested majors. I also recommend viewing the Photos and Interviews.
Two career resources we have already used in this class are O*Net and California Career Zone I really encourage you to use the resources on the Career Center Website such as the Occupational Outlook Handbook to complete this assignment.
Please answer the following questions using complete sentences. Click on the link above, type your answers in the submission box, and submit your work to be graded.
1) What occupation are you researching?
2) What resources are you using to research your occupation? You are required to use at least three resources to complete this assignment.
3) List five basic tasks or responsibilities of this occupation.
4) What type of working conditions does this career provide?
5) What type of education or training is required or recommended to enter this profession?
6) What major(s), courses of study, or training programs might prepare you for this occupation?
7) What is the starting salary or salary range for this occupation?
8) What is the projected outlook for this occupation? In the United States? In California? In San Diego?
9) How well does this occupation match your interests, skills, and values?
10) What characteristics of this occupation most appeal to you?
11) What are some related occupations you might want to explore?

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