The Newspaper Assignment Due: NOVEMBER 10th ALL CLASSES! Select a partner in you

The Newspaper Assignment
Select a partner in your class period to complete this task (be careful who you select as your partner). You are both responsible for creating and presenting the news article and segment! Failure to do so results in a zero per task.
DIRECTIONS: For this assignment, you will put together a newspaper that covers the stories you have covered in Quarter One. This can be completed in a digital format via PowerPoint/ Microsoft Word Doc. It will be displayed to the class during presentations.
Articles for your Newspaper
You will write THREE articles for your Newspaper. There should be at least ONE for each story. You can choose from the article types below; however, you can only write ONE of each type of article:
· News Feature Story/Cover Story (could have up to two of these)
· Opinion article
· Horoscope
· Dear Women/Men Letter
· Obituary
· Sales/Help Wanted
· Entertainment
· Sports
· Travel
· Business
· Outdoor Living
· “To Do”
· Comic Strip
You can choose any THREE of these article types, but the article must deal with and contain details from the texts, the purpose of the text, and how the style contributes to the content provided within the text.
QUARTER ONE TEXTS: 1. The Yellow Wallpaper 2. I Felt a Funeral, In My Brain 3. The Preamble to the Constitution 4. The Declaration of Independence
· Be sure to include facts from your story, while using creativity. For instance, you might take the conflict of Oppression amongst women in the 19th/ 21st century, or you might write an obituary for the speaker, Emily Dickinson using details from the story to describe her conflicting mental moments and adding a few of your own. You might use story details to write a horoscope for any of the characters in these selections. You could also create a help wanted ad geared to one of the characters in the text. For instance, the help wanted ad might be a disguise to escape from the King of Great Britain. It could even be a campaign geared towards the idea of freedom. Whichever pieces you choose to write, you must have at least TWO multi-paragraphs articles (5-7 Sentences Per Paragraph).
Don’t forget to create a title for your newspaper, along with page numbers, section headings etc.
Pictures for your Newspaper
You will also need to include at least TWO images in your newspaper for TWO separate articles. These should be pictures that represent aspects of the story you are writing about for the paper. The pictures can be from other sources but remember that you must cite where you found the picture. GOOGLE IS A SEARCH ENGINE. IT IS NOT WHERE YOU CITE EVIDENCE!
Last, you will create a 30 second “Breaking News” segment that presents your overall assignment. (In other words, YOU BOTH ARE THE NEWS REPORTERS!) In this segment, present ONE event that relates to any of the following three texts we discussed in Quarter One. You will discuss your findings/comparisons and conclude with how your Newspaper Article and
Segment relate to the Performance Based Objective and standard (THAT MEANS YOU WILL HAVE TO BREAKDOWN THE STANDARD/PBO).

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