The main purpose of the case study project is to give you an opportunity to appl

The main purpose of the case study project is to give you an opportunity to apply and demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered in the assignments and readings to the company you chose. This individual case study is also designed to give you the opportunity to be immersed in typical evaluations of company information especially in marketing. The paper is expected to 12 – 13 pages double spaced, with a 12 point font, and standard 1” top and bottom margins with 1.5” side margins.
Describe the marketing environment within the company being researched. (Is the marketing campaign an aggressive approach? Does the company focus on a specific target market? If so describe the target market using lots of details.
1) Identify the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of the company being researched. The SWOT analysis should be specific and examine both internal and external environments within the company being researched. Conducting the SWOT analysis will help you better understand the company being researched.
2) Include the company’s mission and vision statement. Provide your interpretation of the company’s future initiative from the mission and vision.
3) Identify the company’s industry and its main competitors (Is rivalry strong, modest, or nonexistent). Describe the competition include the success and failures of the competition.
4) Identify the company’s marketing strategy. Is the company using multiple marketing approaches?
5) Identify how the company creates this sense of added value for its customer(s), and or wholesalers?
6) Describe if the company uses mass marketing or mass customization to market their products. Many companies may use both approaches depending on the market they serve. Be specific and identify the types of products they offer and which approach the business uses.
7) Describe any of the company’s intellectual property and explain how the company has conserved its intellectual property rights.
It is required that you use one source per written page.

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