The goals of the argumentative essay are to learn how to recognize multiple pers

The goals of the argumentative essay are to learn how to recognize multiple perspectives in an argument and construct a thoughtful discussion of an issue. The informative essay was a chance for you to research your chosen topic and document some background information about a problem. Having done that research, you will now propose a clear, arguable solution to that problem. In your argument essay, please provide reasons to support your solution, quote/paraphrase evidence from your research to back up those reasons, and identify and answer common objections to your solution.
Chapter 20 Proposals will be useful to review. Chapters 13 Arguing a Position and Chapter 37 Arguing provide guidance on the components of argumentation, including points (take the side of the thesis) and counterpoints (present the side of opposing perspectives). Additionally, Chapter 46 Getting a Start on Research, Chapter 47 Finding Sources, and Chapter 48 Evaluating Sources would be helpful to review.
950-1,000 words, plus a Works Cited page
A minimum of five sources must be used in the paper. At least two of these should come from the DMACC LibraryLinks to an external site..
MLA-style in-text citations and Works Cited entries (See Chapter 53: MLA Style) must document the material from your sources
You will be required to submit a tutor-reviewed draft. You can visit the AAC or DOT

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