The goal of this assignment is to summarize a scholarly article. The final produ

The goal of this assignment is to summarize a scholarly article. The final product must look like an online newspaper or magazine article that exhibits the appropriate genre conventions for structure, language, and reference style.
There are three parts to this assignment:
locate, read, and analyze a recently published peer-reviewed journal article in your academic discipline that addresses a topic of interest to you and the general public (you may use the article you chose for Discussion 4, or you may choose a new article)
summarize the message of the academic article in a popular genre appropriate for a public audience (use the magazine/newspaper articles from Reading 5 as examples)
write a reflective analysis about the choices you made in mimicking the structure, language, and reference conventions of a newspaper or magazine (see below for details)
Learning Objectives
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
analyze the rhetorical features of scholarly writing in your discipline and public writing
identify the conventions of various genres of scholarly, professional, and public writing
write with an awareness of how the rhetorical situation and rhetorical context influence the structure, language, and reference conventions (SLRs) writers use to achieve their purpose in writing to specific audiences.
Understand the Content: After you choose your scholarly article, read it carefully so that you understand what it conveys. Think about how you will report the research findings from your chosen article by writing a magazine or newspaper article (your choice) for a public audience who may or may not have knowledge of the topic.
Analyze Your Target Audience and Genre Expectations: For your discipline project, be sure that you’re able to explain the rhetorical choices (structure, language, references, etc.) that you make in writing your magazine/newspaper article. Consider how those choices have been impacted by the rhetorical context of a magazine/newspaper article: author, audience, topic, purpose.
Construct the New Genre: At this point, you’re ready to begin constructing or translating the article into the new genre. Your final product should look like it would appear in a newspaper or magazine, so make sure you understand which conventions you will need to include to successfully mimic the genre.
NOT recommend using the newspaper template in Microsoft Word.Structure: What is the average word count of the genre? (See the sample magazine and newspaper articles you read for Discussion 5). That’s how long your draft should be.
Language: Should you use more formal language (like in the Psychology Today and Science Daily articles)? Or can you be less formal? Think about the topic of the study you are summarizing. Does it work better for a general audience? Or is it better suited to a more formal audience who knows a little about your topic?
References: How is information typically cited in the genre you are recreating? Use whatever is appropriate for the magazine/newspaper genre and a public audience.
Write the Reflective Analysis: Once your adaptation is complete, compose a reflective analysis paragraph (to be added at the end of your assignment) that explains the rhetorical choices you made (changes in structure, language, references, etc.) as you created your new public piece of writing. Offer a rationale for each of your decisions that connects to your larger rhetorical context (audience, purpose, genre, etc.) For example, if you had to translate the title of the scholarly article for a public audience, explain why your new title is the most appropriate one for your public audience.
Article to use Gong, H. (2022, October 11). Application of multimedia human-computer interaction technologyin preschool children drama education. Advances in Multimedia.

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