The format of the Management Science dissertation is a consultancy report – you

The format of the Management Science dissertation is a consultancy report – you choose an organisation and a problem faced by that organisation that requires a data-driven, scientific approach to study, analyse and ultimately recommend actions to be taken. The problem must be SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and timebound) and you must demonstrate that the problem is a significant issue faced by the organisation. The dissertation is the culmination of all of the knowledge you have learned throughout your program and the skills you have developed during the scenario weeks to solve real-world business problems.
The audience for the dissertation is the client organisation and you should present your work as if you are preparing a report for a senior manager. You can expect the manager to have sufficient educational background (an MBA or similar business and management qualifications) that they will understand the analyses that you carry out and be able to critically understand your findings.
You must demonstrate that you can:
·       apply suitable theory and scientific methodology to solve your proposed problem.
·       develop arguments critically, presenting where appropriate several different viewpoints.
·       critically present the findings and analyses from different sources, including academic sources.
·       communicate effectively and persuasively complex arguments and findings from analyses.
Part I (4000 words),
The first part of the dissertation must be submitted at the stated deadline. You will receive feedback from your supervisor which focusses on the work to be done in part 2. This is the final submission point for Part I and cannot be changed after it has been submitted.
Part I should:
* Introduce the organisation that will be the client for the project.
* Propose and motivate a specific measurable actionable relevant time-framed problem for the client organisation supported by a clear problem statement.
* Provide a problem-relevant overview of the market, competitors (or comparable organisations) and external factors, using relevant theory where appropriate.
* Discuss a range of plausible, potentially credible solutions to the problem leading to a number of different plausible solutions to the problem.
* Present for each solution, the questions that need to be answered, leading to a plan for Part II describing how these will be analysed.
* Optionally, a pilot study analysing the credibility of different proposed solutions.
* Provide a detailed supporting set of appendices, particularly showing the detailed workings of any analysis undertaken.
Part II (6000 words),
The second part of the dissertation must analyse the solutions proposed in Part I and develop a list of actionable recommendations.
Part II should:
* Optionally, include and motivate any changes to the stated problem statement and hypotheses presented in Part I.
* For each solution proposed in Part I, appropriately analyse the suitability, risks and viability of the hypothesised solution, considering multiple sources of evidence and using multiple methods drawn from across the BSc/MSci Management Science curriculum.
* Provide an impact analysis that predicts the likely quantified impact of each hypothesised solution.
* Provide a final detailed credible recommended action plan including timeframes, dependencies, assumptions, risks and the expected impact of each action.
* Provide a detailed supporting set of appendices, particularly showing the detailed workings of any analysis undertaken.
This order is going to be on the first part of the dissertation which is 4000 parts. I am going to place an order for the part 2 separately, so the part 1 has to mention what will be going to be done in part 2 of the dissertation.

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