The Final Project for the Principles of Human Resource management course is a 5

The Final Project for the Principles of Human Resource management course is a 5 to 6-page research paper on a Human Resources topic that is assigned to you. This is an individual assignment. You are responsible for researching the topic, writing a thorough research paper on the foundational concepts of your assigned topic, after you have written your paper, you will be creating a PowerPoint Presentation, and presenting your findings to the class by posting the presentation to a class discussion forum. You should include a Script for each slide in the Notes section of each PowerPoint slide. Your Final Research Project should include: • A formal introduction to the topic that you researched. • The important foundations of the concept(s) that you researched. • Current and predicted future trends associated with your topic. • Best practices and real examples found in your research. • Recommendations related to your topic. • A summary conclusion. The final research paper should be written in APA format, include research from sources beyond the textbook, include a reference list and utilize in-text citations and proper quotation of sourced content. The Final Research Paper is Due Wednesday of Week 13 (Wednesday, November 29th, 2023) for all students. (You will submit your Research Paper to an assignment folder in the Week 13 folder in BrightSpace.) You are required to turn in your PowerPoint Presentation by Sunday December 3rd. (You will turn in your presentation and associated script to an assignment folder and also upload it to a Discussion forum.) The presentation should: • Introduce yourself and the topic to the audience. • Identify the most important-to-know concepts related to your topic. • Inform the class about the topic. • Conclude in a professional way with a summary conclusion or important points to remember. • Invite questions at the end. • Be professional and appropriate for a business board room/meeting setting. • Demonstrate your professional communication skills.

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