Teacher instructions:
Experience Sampling Method Paper:
Students will keep track of their moods and activities using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) method popularized by Csikzentmihalyi that is designed to measure what you were doing and how you felt during various activities, and whether these activities contribute to or hinder the experience of Flow. Students will collect data for a few days (a minimum of 12 points over a minimum of 2 days) and then evaluate the results.
The goal will be to note patterns that connect behaviors or specific activities with mood and provide you with ideas for how to bring about Flow and optimize positive mood outcomes. Note also whether your motivation to engage in these activities is intrinsic or extrinsic. Note also whether the experiences are typical or atypical for you.
Students must then find and read at least 3 articles about the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) method and additional research that examines the specific activities that the analysis will be focusing on (e.g. screen time, exercise, homework).Tips for how to organize your essay are in the Modules folder under START HERE:
Follow the opinion flow map approach where you have an introduction (including in-text citations), 3 discussion points (3 behaviors or activities you are going to look more closely at) and conclusion (what you have learned about how to optimize positive flow-type experiences)
I have attached the Csikzentmihalyi article provided the teacher, a PPT provided by teacher, my 4 peer-reviewed research articles, and a template of how the essay should be set up and more detailed instructions.
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