T. A.s (Text Analyzers) JOB DESCRIPTION: Choose an idea or two that you find int

T. A.s (Text Analyzers)
Choose an idea or two that you find interesting (because they are new or familiar; you really agree or disagree; you like the phrasing/punctuation; there is a strong emotion; etc.) from the reading selection.
Select three quotes (each about 2-4 sentences long) from the reading that deal with your topic(s). Make sure the quotes are especially significant and/or descriiptive. Type out each quotation so you have it handy to read to your group. Write a paragraph about each quote, explaining its significance as it relates to your idea. Your discussion should be 1 to 1.5 pages long. Write in your own words. (If you plagiarize, you will be turned in to Academic Misconduct and receive a zero on the assignment.)
In class, you will read each quotation and then also read/summarize your paragraph about the quote (Your presentation should take about 3 minutes).
page 177-222(Chapter 223-233(last ten chapter))

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