Story of an Hour” Ultimately, your essay could serve to support a theme related

Story of an Hour” Ultimately, your essay could serve to support a theme related to Chopin’s ideas regarding marital relationships as expressed in “Story of an Hour.” An exploration about how Chopin uses this story to examine the marital roles of men and women will help develop and support your theme especially in the context of setting. This essay should also include some discussion of the power relationships between men and women in the context of the setting of the story. Be sure to use any elements of fiction that you believe will help support your ideas.
Develop and support your ideas by incorporating some elements of fiction, textual evidence, and information from your sources.
Conduct research prior to drafting your essay. You will see ideas that you think will contribute to the focus and support of your own ideas. Many students say that by doing some preliminary research, they begin to see how they can approach this essay.
Once you have some ideas about your focus, just start writing, don’t worry about correctness, documentation, format, or even if the ideas don’t seem flow together smoothly This approach allows you to capture the key ideas that you will later shape into a coherent and cohesive piece of writing.
In the initial phases of this project, try not to second guess yourself too much. This will inhibit your ability to freely explore your ideas. You do not need to be judgmental at this point.
As you begin revising, work in info from your sources in places where you think this info will best support your ideas or clarify your idea.
Use TCL databases for research.
Essay must be 5–7 pages.
Must use at least four sources.
Must use MLA documentation.

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