Small-Scale Literature Review Exercise: Step 2 Article Summary Table An article

Small-Scale Literature Review Exercise: Step 2
Article Summary Table
An article summary table is a tool that can help you organize and summarize
what you’ve read. Moreover, it can provide you with a quick glance as to how
you might organize articles when you begin to write your literature review.
Once you know your variables and concepts and you start to find articles, it
is imperative that you keep track of what you’ve read. Like the article
summary paragraphs, an Article Summary Table (this file is available for
download in Canvas) is an even shorter and more succinct summary, but also is
part of a matrix that helps you see similarities and differences across all
the literature you read as you read it. Before you include an article in your
summary table, be sure that you have evaluated the evidence presented. To
complete this step of the small-scale literature review, go to Canvas and
1. Download the Microsoft Word file titled, “Article Summary Table”.
2. Read each of the articles you downloaded from the LAMC library and begin
completing the “Article Summary Table” worksheet for each of your
a. Please see rows 11-13 which have already been populated with the
article citations.
b. Next, complete the remaining columns and submit the document in
the respective module submission link.

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