Selfcare Project
Step #1: Do a bit of research on stress triggers and coping mechanisms specific to healthcare workers. Find at least 2 academically significant sources and write 2-3 paragraphs about your findings.
Step #2: Self reflect on your own stress triggers and the coping mechanisms you use. Rate them on effectiveness. Do they work for the short-term vs. long-term, are they healthy, do they make your healthcare team stronger? You can take this in any direction, just truly self-reflect, and see where it leads you. Write 2-3 paragraphs discussing your process.
Step #3: Each week you will take a few minutes and ask 2 people about their personal coping mechanisms for dealing with the stress of working in healthcare during this unique time of Covid. Stress can be physical, emotional, spiritual, or any combination of triggers. Ask a diverse variety of people, don’t forget those in other departs at different points of hierarchy. For example, ask your unit manager, environmental services, volunteers, patients, fellow nurses, etc. Write 2-3 paragraphs on your findings and impressions while respecting the person’s identity.
Step #4: At week #3 submit your work to date, as a rough draft.
Step #5: Write a conclusion that discusses this process and demonstrates your self-reflection on stress triggers and coping mechanisms. Have you learned new mechanisms, did you meet people you would not have met otherwise, did you discover any trends in terms of age, gender, or job, are there things you can do to combat stress for yourself or your team?
I have attached a word document that you can use as a template for this project. It is in APA format with appropriate headers etc. Owl is a great source for formatting your references.
Double spaced, times new roman 12pt font, spelling and grammar demonstrating you have proofread your submission. (Spelling and grammar are important).
Step #1: 20 points
Step #2: 20 points
Step #3: 30 points
Step #4: 10 points
Step #5: 20 points
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