ScenarioYou work for Happyville Health System as the Revenue Cycle Director. You

ScenarioYou work for Happyville Health System as the Revenue Cycle Director. You are working with the Revenue Cycle Committee to develop a policy and procedure. The Revenue Cycle Committee will implement this policy and procedure to ensure compliance within the revenue cycle and determine threshold limits that would trigger an automatic audit in the revenue cycle. You decide to provide the committee with an information sheet on internal and external reimbursement guidelines and regulatory requirements.
InstructionsDevelop an information sheet that:
Discusses at least three considerations for a compliant revenue cycle with at least two external governing bodies (e.g., OIG) included in the considerations.
Describes five thresholds or indicators that establish healthcare compliance.
Recommends audit practices for a successful and compliant revenue cycle with at least three examples on how to implement these practices.
General Requirements
Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in the one to two-page information sheet.
Includes citation for at least one credible academic source in APA format at the end of the information sheet.

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