Research Report Assignment A reference list is a listing of sources on a topic.

Research Report Assignment
A reference list is a listing of sources on a topic. Refer to your APA Guide to learn about the style used by midwives, American Psychological Association (APA). Your submission will include references written in correct APA format. You may find that you discard or add references as you move through the writing process – this is OK (as long as you have a minimum of five).
Here are the steps to complete this assignment:
1. Select a subject that is midwifery-related for your final Research Paper (but NOT safety of home birth).
Benefits & Importance of Delivering Culturally Competent Midwifery Care for Black and Indigenous People of Color
2. Choose whether your paper will be analytic (literature review) or argumentative in scope.
3. Find a minimum of 5 sources to utilize for your research. A minimum of 3 of these 5 should be peer-reviewed articles from within the last 10 years. Other primary sources such as conference speeches, personal narratives, and interviews may be used to bolster your work. Secondary sources such as books and news articles may also be used.
4.Write a reference list in APA format.
5. Write a working abstract that includes a working thesis (these are “working” because they will evolve as your research does). This should be between 150 – 250 words. An abstract is precise and concise. It should present your research topic and its surrounding questions, briefly introduce your most important references, and present a thesis that summarizes your analysis or argument. Be sure to bold or highlight your working thesis statement.
6. Submit your work. See the rubric below for more details.

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