Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community (Florida). Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem:
– Problem Statement (problem statement and it defines the problem being addressed in the analysis, typically written in question format and maybe one or two sentences. The problem statement can be broad or narrow, but for the purposes of this assignment, statement should be much more narrow. Must lead into the possibility of several options.)
– Background (provides information not an analysis of the problem, is use layout future options section is factual information that shows a complete picture of the health care issue. It also shows why the issue is important and must be addressed immediately. This section is not partisan or argumentative, that only lays out the facts. Oftentimes with statistics from reliable sources.)
– Landscape (Landscape is often tied into the background, in, into the background. But as I’ve stated the background section, the factual information model landscape shows contexts.
Contacts is shown by identifying key stakeholders and key factors that must be considered for your health care problem. Stakeholders. As you read, research your healthcare problem, you’ll start to understand who the key stakeholders are. And at some point we’ll have an exhaustive list. There is no required number of stakeholders. You will then outline their correlation to the problem. erhaps a politician or are your state’s legislature or and governors. Pharmaceutical industry, health insurance industry, AARP and other elder rights groups, advocacy groups with sable, pharmacists lobby or on pharmaceutical companies and internet based pharmaceutical companies. Key stakeholders and may have a positive or negative impact on the health care issue.) (political factors, social factors, economic factors, legal factors & practical factors)
– Options (3-5 options a patient could consider) (identify criteria that will be used to evaluate the option)
– Recommendations
– Resources (Journal articles are required. The options that you will discuss are typically three to five, gives the client some choice of what to do about the health care problem.)
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