Research and explain how you can implement the INTASC standards from the video a

Research and explain how you can implement the INTASC standards from the video and textbook in your classroom.
Assignment: Professional Reading Standards Implementation
At the completion of the video read pages 24 -26. Then, write and clear and distinct description of research-based practices of how teachers must implement the professional standards and InTASC standards for effective teaching in the video and information provided in your textbook.
For example: The Learner and Learning-Describe how you will support Standard #1 in the classroom and refer to the chapters donated in your textbook. Then, provide research-based practices.
Remember to include information from the videos. Remember you do not have to address every Professional Teaching Standard. Select only 1 Professional Teaching Standard. However address “all” InTASC Standards. Refer to pages 25 -26.
Go the Materials and Resources to obtain research sources. Also, use the APA style format. Cite “all” sources that pertains to research.
InTASC Standards
The Learner and Learning
Content Knowledge
Instructional Practice
Professional Responsibility
*Overall, write the InTASC Standard and Professional Teaching Standard. Then, explain how to implement these standards in the classroom (Include materials, resources, research-based strategies etc).

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