Readings from Incident Response & Disaster Recovery Chapter 10. Discussion Quest

Readings from Incident Response & Disaster Recovery Chapter 10.
Discussion Questions:
Discuss the importance of the after-action review and “lessons learned” documents. How will these help to improve the BC plan?
Develop a list of vulnerabilities that a small business may have in the event of a major hurricane. What strategies and recommendations for business continuity will be appropriate for them?
The use of after-action reviews has been covered in every aspect of incident response and disaster recovery. How will the BC after-action review differ from the DR after-action review?
There are a number of in-house processes that may need to be handled by outside vendors during BC operations, what are they and how do you identify those vendors? Provide examples
3. Discussion Board: While society expects a business to be prepared for disasters and to recover using its own resources, we do not seem to expect individuals to be prepared to survive a disaster. Should we expect government at any level to be responsible for disaster recovery at either the personal or the business level? Why or why not? Initial posting by Thursday November 2, responses to 2 other classmates by November 6 at 11:59pm. Your initial discussion entry for this discussion question should be a minimum of 350 words for the initial posting and 75 words for each of the two responses to classmates.

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