Read The Open Boat By Stephen Crane on page 61 of the pdf textbook and answer th

Read The Open Boat By Stephen Crane on page 61 of the pdf textbook and answer the following questions. The extra credit assignment is worth 10 points.
Questions for Consideration page 86:
1. From whose point of view is this story told? How are the effects of
the third person omniscient point of view different than if the story
had been told in the first person by one of the men?
2. How does Crane use setting to reveal the experience of the men?
How does he use diction to set the tone of the story and to convey
the story’s meaning?
3. How do the men interpret certain events and items as signs of
their fate? In what way is the man waving his shirt ironic?
4. What is the effect of repetition in the story?
5. What does a temple symbolize? How is this symbol used in the
6. Is there anything meaningful in the men’s time together navigating
the sea in a lifeboat?
7. What is the plot twist at the end of the story? Why do we consider
this event unexpected? How does it affect the meaning of the

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